UKAS is pleased to present this Warrior II project. This is a great opportunity to rebuild a very popular aircraft type to a standard determined by a future buyer.
Year: 1979
Manufacturer: Piper
Model: PA-28 161 Warrior II
- Airframe hours – 17004:15 as of 18/10/2022
- Engine – Will be time expired on hours. Calendar expiry is 2030. Engine is running smooth with some very minor oil seepage around crankcase.
- Carb was zero’d at the same time as the engine in 2018
- LH mag – 1200 Hrs remaining, RH mag – 1500 Hrs remaining.
- Spar bolt AD has been complied with.
- Wing spar corrosion inspection is next due in 2025.
Known issues:
- Areas of corrosion on both wings.
- Previous repair to port side rear fuselage. Port, side fuselage skin and top rear fuselage skin will require replacement as repair is not satisfactory.
- Rudder requires repair work – Skin was found to be cracked, during replacement, it was found that the last skin replacement had been incorrectly carried out. Reinforcement doublers had not been refitted. This has caused cracking to the spar. Best option is to source a new/used rudder.
- DI is U/S – overhaul required.
- Seatbelts not with aircraft. Seatbelts where time expired/damaged beyond safe condition.
- Propeller is time expired. Overhaul required.
- Port Flap and aileron removed – Cracking present on both skins. Replacement parts are available but just have not been replaced yet .
Aircraft is fitted with LED beacon, landing light and wingtip nav/strobes.
Narco CP 135
Garmin GNC 255 Comms
Narco 2nd Comms
Narco DME 890
Bendix king ADF
Bendix King KT74 Transponder
Bendix King Skymap IIIC.
Additional Equipment
1 x new Fire Extinguisher plus Medical Kit.
Tow bar.
Exterior is 7/10, Interior 7/10
UKAS can help organise transport of the aircraft to any location. Please contact us to discuss further